Twas Christmas Eve Eve
And all through Oaxaca
The creatures were stirring
They were raising the baca!
The tools were all sharp
And the harvest was done
For there was a challenge
Soon to be won.
The children sat round
And clutched at their knives
The men were all boastful
And clutched at their wives.
It is a sight to behold
Before it vanishes
Because on this day in Oaxaca
The prep and the cutting
The peels on the floor
Soon fashioned are people
And animals and more
Out of nothing but veggies
These works are created
Mainly from radish but
Also corn it is stated.
So what will you make
When you come to this fest?
It really doesn't matter -
It's not often I come across a tidbit of traditions that 1) I'd never heard of before and 2) makes me so giddy in its awesomeness. But it's true! It even drove me to write poetry. Since 1897, December 23rd has been heralded as the Night of the Radishes in Oaxaca, Mexico. Legend tells us that in the mid-1800s there was a particularly abundant radish crop, and one section was forgotten in the garden of a monastery. Months later when two friars pulled them up, they were amused by the silly shapes that the radishes had grown into.
Mayor Francisco Vasconcelos declared a formal radish-carving competition in 1897, which has been held annually.
Does it have anything do to with any winter holiday? NOPE. Is this my new favorite thing? YUP. Do I now want to head to Oaxaca for Christmas next year? OBVIOUSLY.
Wanna join me? Contact your travel designer for next year's December travels!